Friday, November 21, 2014

The home of Mulan...

The flower that blooms in adversity... is the most rare and beautiful of them all.

Mulan (1998)

So, we have been in China for a little while now and are slowly becoming accustomed to a new way of life. 
At first we found it a little hard to adjust so when the Mid Autumn Festival (read holiday) came around it was just the right time for us to get out of the city and see less people and more trees. 
As with being foreigners in such a large city like Wuhan we really have no idea what there is to do and can become quite lost exploring just a few stops down the subway from our house. Luckily for us we have made friends with a group of Americans who graciously invited us come with them to the Mulan grasslands. Funnily enough upon arrival we realised that the we were in the mountains and not the grassland part of Mulan, this is what happens when you try and do translating yourself.
As you can see it is quite beautiful out here, a real shock to us that China could look like this after only 2 hours on a bus out of the city.

To get in we had to pay a 60rmb entry fee (about $12 NZ) as this is similar to a National Park. Once through the gates you are struck by just how well kept these places are, the paths we paved even when walking through the forest, the open areas are littered with statues and gardens.
Mushu: Of course. I'm travel-size for your convenience. If I was my real size, your cow here would die of fright. - Mulan 1998
It was impossible to walk around without random quotes from the movie popping into your head. Our friends had in fact watched Mulan the night before to properly prepare themselves for the tasks ahead, they even demonstrated this by singing as we walked along some of the higher paths. 

At the top of our walk there were several activities that could be paid for, one of which was zip-lining over the lake. Unfortunately the harnesses were made for people of slightly smaller stature and therefore very uncomfortable. After reaching the other side of the lake we got pleasure boated back to where we started.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Journey to China

"Where you go, I'll go,
where you stay, I'll stay.
Your people will become my people
and your god my God."
R U T H  1 : 1 6

This is us, Ludwig & Maree Worrall-Bader. We've been best of friends for almost ten years, a period of time that can be divided (almost into equal partitions) of friendship, dating and marriage. Lud is a primary school teacher and Maree an illustrator / graphic designer, but in China we are both English teachers.

The decision to move to China has been a long time coming. Growing up I listened to many stories of my parents and their parents going on adventures. In fact we moved to New Zealand from England when I was younger. Not just this but we have benefited from the hugely positive influences of Amber and Dale Hart leading us to make something of the time that we have here on this Earth. 

Now we live in China, it hasn't been the smoothest trip here but we have been blessed with so many new friends that have really helped to ease the transition. 

So now, for the time being this is our home - and we invite you to share in some of our adventures.

- Lud